Friday, August 27, 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bubble Time

One of the kids got hold of the bubble bath and we ended up with tons of bubbles! The had a great time playing though.

Bradley pretending to be Two-Face. (We've been watching a lot of Batman movies lately... Kyler's kind of obsessed!)

Meggie though it was just hilarious.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Swimming at the Pool

Meggie thinking about jumping in the pool.

Apparently someone ticked her off!

Kyler with his pool toys.

Bradley taking Meggie on a trip around the pool.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Bike Riding

When we got home from our bike ride we realized Meggie was asleep.

Bradley riding around.

Meggie having fun watching the boys.

Bradley doing one of his tricks.

Here are some videos we took of the kids riding their bikes.

And... this is a video that Kyler said he was making to send to Jeb and Caleb, but toward the end I think he got a little confused about who he was talking to!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fun times at lunch

While we were having lunch Bradley though he would give us a little education about what happens to food after you eat it. I got a video of it... but it's not quite appropriate for the internet! He did have Kyler laughing so hard he could hardly breath.

Monday, August 16, 2010

One of those parents...

Well... I said I wouldn't, but I did. I am now one of "those parents." The boys and I took Meggie to get her ears pierced today. Ben said he did not care if we took her but he did not want to be there to see it. (He must really think it's cute now... he has asked me if I have posted these pics online about 10 times!) Bradley was very opposed to it and Kyler thought it was a great idea! She only cried for about a minute and then she was happy all day long... especially after we got her a cookie!

We also took a couple of new videos of Meggie.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

National Zoo in the Rain

We were stuck at Ben's apartment because the air conditioner went out in our house so we decided to take a trip over to the zoo. When we got there we went straight to the Amazonia building and saw some cool fish and turtles. As soon as we came out it started drizzling... but the boys wanted to look at some animals anyway. We walked to about 5 exhibits but couldn't find any animals outside so we decided to head back to the car. By that time it was pouring and we all got soaked but it was still pretty funny!

A giant bug made out of bugs!

Kyler got tired walking up the hill and Bradley was the only one he could con into giving him a ride.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Around the House

Meggie after feeding herself lunch... she loves some bagel bites!

The boys letting Meggie watch some "baby" tv.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sesame Place

Kyler has been wanting to go to Sesame Place for so long we decided to take him.

Meggie waiting in line to ride the Merry-go-Round.

Bradley and Kyler climbing on the net.

It was so hot Meggie couldn't get enough water.

Sliding on the Cookie Monster Mountain.

Kyler with his Elmo cupcake.

Meeting Abby Cadabby!

and Elmo!

Meeting Zoe!

Meggie... like everyone else is ready to go!

But, we have to make a stop in the gift shop... of course.

The only memory Ben wanted to remember... leaving!

Meggie napping with her Abby Cadabby doll.

Kyler with his bath toys... and trying to trick Ben into thinking he is going to ride in the front with me!

Bradley with his Snuffleupagus.

We didn't have much fun at Sesame Place... it was way too crowded and the wait for the rides was way too long for what the rides were. We would not recommend it. The kids did have fun on the few things that are pictured above. We also got to ride a roller coaster that was pretty fun... and the boys loved that. Below are some videos of each kid on the Merry-go-Round and the boys on the Cookie Monster Mountain.